The Fix Foundation
Stichting The Fix Media Foundation aims to support free press and media in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, and to build a more resilient and connected European media community. The foundation aims to fulfil its objectives by:
– Providing grants to journalism organisations and journalists in need;
– Connecting and networking international donors, governments, NGOs, civil society organisations, journalism organisations and journalists;
– Organising events, both online and online;
– Raising awareness of, and advocating for, media freedom issues in Ukraine and the wider European community
The Foundation was incorporated on the 9th of May 2022. We are in the process of registering as a ANBI (a Public Benefit Organisation) in The Netherlands. The foundation has an office in Verdunplein 17, Unit C2722, 5627SZ, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
The Fix Media Foundation’s advisory board consists of six individuals: Jakub Parusinski
Sevhil Musaieva-Borovyk
Sabine Sile
Olga Rudenko
Mick ter Reehorst
Adam Thomas
Jakub Parusinski, Mick ter Reehorst and Adam Thomas are directors of the foundation as stated in the articles of association and take on the roles of chairman, treasurer and secretary respectively. Directors and advisory board members receive no remuneration for their work.
An up-to-date report of the activities performed can be found under the Achievements section of this site. We have no financial statements to date. However, a transparent overview of our funding can be found under the Achievements section of this site.
The Fix Media Foundation is registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) with registration number 86337130. The RSIN registration number for the Dutch Tax Services / Belastingdienst is 863935321.
The Fix Media
The Fix is a publication for publishing executives in Europe, focused on cracking the media management puzzle through insights, solutions and data. The Fix is covering the rapidly evolving and innovative European media, tech and business landscape – and the actors driving the change.
Launched at the end 2019, The Fix has a core community of 4K+ senior media managers, product developers, researchers, and journalists all over Europe and the US. Its aims to increase the availability of reliable data to help managers make fact-based decisions
Cracking the media management puzzle through insights, solutions and data.
The Fix is followed by senior professionals from 500+ media, including: